Hearty Congratulations to Our Students Who achieve 1st & 6th Rank of Kerala Ganitha Sasthra Parishad.. Hearty Congratulations to Our Students Who achieve 4th Rank in State Level Maths Talent Search Examination. Hearty Congratulations to Our Students Who achieve Quest 4 Whiz Talent Search Exam. International Yoga Day-2023. National Reading Day-2023 . Hearty Congratulations to Our Students Who achieve High Marks in JEE Mains. .

Inspired by the vision of India’s great sage Sri Aurobindo and the mission of Bharathiya Vidya Niketen, we provide a free environment for the children to develop all their talents and help to achieve their potentiality.

True education means trying to manifest the inner divinity in us. A school cannot buy its spirit as it buys textbooks. School spirit is built up within the school itself. In this fast changing world we try to maintain our students’ feet remain firmly planted in the soil of human values and thereby they can develop courage, decency and self confidence together with a real tolerance.

We are very particular in giving a nation building and character making education based on spirituality so that the holistic development of the child is ensured. Our system offers dynamic learn to learn techniques leading to a dreaming success.


Apply for Admission

Aravinda Vidyamandiram

Admission for grades 2 to 4 is based on the performance in the previous classes.

Admission for grades 5 to 9 is based on the entrance test.

Admission for grade 11th is purely based on Class 10th marks

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Applications are Open for in the 2023-2024 academic year for Plus Two Programmes in Aravinda Vidyamandiram.
